Mother Xmas presents her
  Boudoir Doll Salon

Mother Xmas Past Dolls for Sale
Mother Xmas' Story
Boudoir Doll History
Other Boudoir Doll Sites

Photo Galleries
Yesterday's News
Holiday Dolls
Let's play Dolls

Boudoir Doll Salon
Halloween 2011
Halloween 2012
Easter 2013
Halloween 2013

Welcome to the Motherxmas Boudoir Doll Salon, a very special place to visit with some amazing and darling art deco dollies. As you browse through this assemblage of glamorous boudoir bed dolls, you might be surprised to find that many of your favorites have joined the party. Here you will find all sorts of salon and art dolls including Anita’s, Blossom’s, Etta’s, Smokers, Cubeb, Pierrot, Lenci, Rosalinde, Perroti, Keeneye’s, Ring Ladies, Standards and more, thanks to the efforts of the many collectors that have contributed to this labor of love.

Kick back and spend some time exploring the many colorful collages and photographs inside. Find yourself transported back in time to "Yesterday's News", the gaudy and gay era when these flapper dolls were created.

In the "Holiday Dolls" section you will find dolls that celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Fourth of July and Valentine’s Day. There are also imaginative displays that capture the changing seasons in creative vignettes. The "Lets Play Dolls" section will give you a chance to glimpse at the unique displays and doll rooms of other collectors that show off their bevy of beauties. Here too, you will find some just for fun photos.

It is my wish that these images will ignite your imagination as you travel back in time to one of our most colorful periods: the early Twentieth Century.

I just want to thank all my doll friends and collectors who have shared photos of their treasured collections featured on this site.  It would not have been possible without all your help. A special thank you and  hugs  to Karen Kosies and her computer wizardry to create this beautiful website.

~ motherxmas


All contents, graphics, text, photos, features
 and general information, contained on this website
 are the personal property of Patricia Brill aka MotherXmas.
 Therefore, no unauthorized copying and/or use without written consent.
 © 2008-2024 Patricia Brill aka MotherXmas




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Last Updated ~ 03-10-24

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